Hydrozine is a fuel made from sustainably produced formic acid, which is a liquid organic hydrogen carrier. Hydrogen is an energy vector which can be used to store energy in, however storing it as a gas creates problems in practice. By storing hydrogen in formic acid, it can be transported and stored as a liquid, overcoming the adoption barriers of hydrogen in locations which require flexibility of energy supply.
The transition towards sustainability is not going to be an easy one, as it will require shifts from our current unsustainable systems. There will be no single solution to solve all problems concerning emissions in the near future. Currently, each possibility has its own advantages and disadvantages.
Hydrozine is a liquid hydrogen carrier. Energy can be stored inside Hydrozine to be used any time and place plus the use of Hydrozine is carbon neutral! Clean technology can then convert Hydrozine into electrical energy on any location. The system relies on a catalytic reaction which transforms the Hydrozine into hydrogen and carbon dioxide that subsequently can be used in a fuel cell to produce power.
During moments where there is a surplus of energy, this can be stored in Hydrozine. The energy can then be transported to any location where it is needed and regeneretad from the Hydrozine, creating a more flexible energysystem.
Hydrozine can power all kinds of applications. Currently, the focus is on the construction industry but the potential is much broader ranging from shipping to heavy duty vehicles.
Money is kept in local boundaries because Hydrozine can be produced locally. Solar panels and farmers provide the ingredients for Hydrozine.
Hydrozine poses no security threats to the surroundings. Being a liquid prevents the need for high-pressure systems. The risk of explosion is very low, comparable to diesel.
Hydrozine has the largest energy density of all sustainable technologies currently on the market.
Vast amounts of energy can be stored in simple containers, reducing costs and complexity. The current infrastructure can easily be adapted to fit Hydrozine.
Because Hydrozine is a liquid, refueling can be done in a matter of minutes. Just like you're used to.
Hydrozine can be produced from sustainable building blocks; water, sustainable electricity and CO2. The same products are released when Hydrozine is used, closing the carbon-loop.